May 18, 2020
Today the boys worked individually. Scout researched different kinds of plants that could feed a dinosaur. Darwin looked at animal cells...

May 17, 2020
Looking over the map...
Today the boys looked over a map of Mr Legume's island

May 16, 2020
A dinosaur!
Mr Legume introduced the boys to a Stegosaurus today! He said he wants them to help him make lots of other dinosaurs too!

May 15, 2020
Settling in...
Mr Legume met Scout, Bailey and Darwin and showed them to their rooms. He said he'd show them the job tomorrow...

May 14, 2020
When the boys arrived on Legume Island there was a car waiting for them...

May 13, 2020
All packed up...
The boys are all packed up and ready to set off tomorrow...

May 12, 2020
Getting ready for a trip...
The boys have been preparing for their trip. Scout went to get a first aid box Bailey got a boat And Darwin got a survival knife

May 11, 2020
Today the boys attended the party they were invited to. They were approached by a Mr Legume. Mr Legume explained that he had invited them...

May 10, 2020
The boys went shopping to get something nice for the party tomorrow...

May 9, 2020
A Chore...
The boys decided to do a chore to earn some extra money so they can buy something nice for the party...