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What is Climate Change and Why Should You Care?

Climate change has been a big topic for discussion lately, but what actually is it, and why should you care enough to actually do something about it?

So what is climate change?

Climate change is a change in the climate. More specifically, it is used to describe the rise in the Earth’s temperature and the effects that this has.

What causes climate change?

Carbon dioxide is the biggest cause of climate change. Carbon dioxide is produced by the burning of fossil fuels, like coal, oil and gas. The carbon dioxide then acts like a kind of net around the planet, capturing the sun’s heat and warming the planet. Deforestation has made this problem worse as we are cutting down the trees which absorb much of the carbon dioxide we are releasing.

Now, this heating of the Earth is a natural process. It is called the Greenhouse Effect. Although this does happen naturally, and without it the Earth would not be habitable, we are adding to it at a rate that is too dangerous.

Why should you care?

Imagine a world without polar bears. I know, that’s an example which is used all the time, but it’s true. The warming of the planet is melting the ice caps which polar bears use when they’re hunting. Polar bears are already dying off because of how much ice cap has already melted.

Polar bears aren’t the only animals to be affected. Leatherback sea turtles are also suffering as rising sea levels (due to climate change) is causing their nests to be washed away. Frogs and coral are also being affected, as well as butterflies, along with many other animals.

Imagine a world without butterflies.

Imagine a world where the weather is so extreme that many places cease to be habitable, even to the human race.

Imagine a world without polar bears, turtles and countless others.

This world is not imaginary. In a matter of years, this will be the world we live in.

Unless we make changes now…

What can you do?

The most important thing to do is limit the amount of carbon dioxide that enters our atmosphere. You as an individual can do this by driving less – taking the bus more, or cycling. You can also do this by flying less, changing what you eat and by choosing a more renewable energy provider. Of course, you don’t have to do all of this at once. Take it one step at a time as every little bit does make a difference.

Giving up meat is one of the biggest positive impacts you could have. I understand that this is not for everyone. I myself still eat meat. However, I try to limit the amount of meat I consume each week and stick more to poultry instead of beef (which is the worst meat for creating carbon emissions).

Alone, tackling climate change seems impossible. But as a consumer you have the power to influence big industries. Sign petitions, write to companies, do everything you can do make them know that you want a change.

Together, we can get through this, but we need to act now.

Article by Caitlin Walburn

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